May 18th, 2023
Just a reminder that the RM provided garbage bins placed throughout the municipality, are for use by our RATE PAYERS ONLY and are set up to accept regular household garbage. Please do your part to keep the area clean and if you notice the bins getting full, contact the office at (306)463.2524 or our Bylaw Officer at (306) 460-8056. Anyone caught dumping their garbage beside the said bins may be charged with littering which is punishable with a $500.00 fine.
Thank You!
May 12th, 2023
Note to the residents of Kindersley & the RM of Kindersley.
The RM roads are not a place to dump your unwanted products. Today, I found 2 five – gallon pails of flammable paint thinner. Hazardous waste like this can be hard on our water runs, especially if they are dumped in the culverts. There is a $500.00 fine for dumping any unwanted goods if we are able to dig thru and find a name on any items. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call Bylaw at (306) 460-8056. Thank you.