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The RM of Kindersley #290 was incorporated in 1910. During the thirties the RM administered the provincial relief program. It included money to merchants for groceries, fuel, coal, clothing, feed and seed. The provincial government reimbursed the RM for two-thirds of the cost, with the municipality responsible for the other third. This made it necessary for the municipality to borrow from the bank to carry on.
Since 1915 the RM had contributed to the establishment and operation of a municipal hospital in Kindersley. In 1929 Dr. Brownridge was hired by the RM as municipal doctor at a salary of $5,000 per year to provide medical services to the residents of the municipality. It was the first municipality in Saskatchewan to have a municipal hospital and doctor services. It was generally credited as the first form of prepaid medical care in the province.
In 1954 the RMs of Kindersley and Elma amalgamated and in 1966 the RM of Hillsburgh also became part of the RM of Kindersley. In the RM office a wall memorial lists the names of all Reeves and Councillors and when they served.
Today RM of Kindersley is a thriving municipality with a mix of Agriculture, Oil and Gas industries contributing to the economy.
Contact Us
Office: 1200 12th Ave W, Box 1210, Kindersley, SK, S0L 1S0
Phone: (306) 463-2524
Planned Burn Control: 1 (866) 404-4911
Email: rm290@rmofkindersley.com