Call for tenders for the following pasture lands for cash rent:


NE 09-28-25-3                                   NW 09-28-25-3

SE 09-28-25-3                                    SE 16-28-25-3

SW 16-28-25-3                                   NE 17-28-25-3

NW 17-28-25-3                                  SE 17-28-25-3

SW 17-28-25-3                                   NE 18-28-25-3

SE 18-28-25-3                                    NW 18-30-22-3

NW 26-28-25-3                                  NE 30-30-25-3

NW 30-30-25-3                                  NW 36-30-26-3

SE 36-30-26-3

Blocks 2, 3, 4, 7 and Lots 12 – 16 and 19 – 23 in Block 11, for a total of 22.72

acres, in the Hamlet of Pinkham


Tender information available at the municipal office.   All tenders must be on the form provided by the municipality.  Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.  Tenders close at 4:00p.m. on February 7th, 2025.


Rural Municipality of Kindersley No.290

Box 1210 – Kindersley, Saskatchewan S0L 1S0

Phone 463-2524

e-mail – rm290@rmofkindersley.com